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A member registered Feb 25, 2015

Recent community posts

Comfy game, 404 is such an endearing character <3

I love the demo, i can't wait for more! 11/10 cozy (and scary) <3

I love the first chapter, can't wait for more!

Jack Frost is so sweet, I love him <3

Alastor my beloved <3

I got all the endings! Leumin is so cute <3

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🎵I need a hero🎵
🎵I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night🎵
🎵He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast🎵
🎵And he's gotta be fresh from the fight🎵

Excellent work, I love Binary Star so much <3

Beautiful demo, can't for more! <3

Also, is there a patreon for this game by chance?

gavril <3

The "The End" ending made me cry a little. Aw Nick <3

Very fun demo. Also the animated image of Nicolae just carrying people as a tiny bat is too cute <3

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Very nice and short game! Azram is such an interesting character, very charming <3

Fun demo, can't wait for the full version. Crow is such an adorable lettuce :3c

comfy demo and chester is so sweet <3

Stranger my beloved <3

Fun game, the "promised" ending is my favorite :3

I happened to be coincidentally eating salmon while M/C was also having a salmon dinner.  Very immersive XD

Nice demo, I love Jacob so much <3 Can't wait for the full game to come out :D

I got all the death endings but I noticed that once Aeron drag us to their room, an error pops up that says "An exception has occured". Other than that, very fun demo. Can't wait for the full game to come out :D

maison my beloved <3 

Fun demo, can't wait for more :D

So fun, I love the art style and writing <3

Nice demo, can't wait for more <3

hatchet man, my beloved!

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Dated all characters, they're all my favorites and I look forward to more chapters. 11/10, love this game.